Speculation over Force India's future has reached a boiling point this morning after photos from the Belgian Grand Prix paddock showed Force India's lorries stripped of logos. While preparation for the Grand Prix continues as normal, uncertainty still lingers over the team's eligibility to race this weekend. Force India announced that they had entered administration a few weeks ago and that they were seeking investment to save the team from bankruptcy. Thanks to the efforts of Sergio Perez and the team, they were saved from this fate by a consortium led by billionaire Lawrence Stroll, father of Lance Stroll. It is reported, however, that while the physical assets of the team have been purchased the entry that allows the team to race has yet to be transferred. This means, of course, that Force India currently are not eligible to enter a Grand Prix. As well as this, it has also been reported that Liberty Media has approached all the teams in a bid to save the budget ...
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